We are a real warm distillery  , perhaps the only one in the Pajottenland, the Senne Valley and far beyond. This means that we still have a real still and that we make our own alcohol from agricultural raw materials.

Southwest of Brussels, the Senne meanders through the landscape of the Pajottenland and the Senne valley. Up hill, down hill, barely 10 km from Brussels you end up between the typical sloping valleys.

But there is much more to discover: the places where Pieter Bruegel got his inspiration for his masterpieces, the sturdy Belgian draft horses also called Brabanders and our distillery.

Come visite us sometime, you’re more than welcome. 


Our boilers are 600 and 5000 liters, Arnold Holsteins, to produce a product that is as pure and as soft as possible without the loss of taste. Certainly, the best stills in the world.

We don’t do this for the profit. Making your own alcohol is much more expensive and requires a lot more time, knowledge, installation and above all: passion. Much more can also go wrong: bad fermentation, too cold, too warm, the time of year… Several elements that can go wrong, but if it goes well, each (your) batch is also unique.

Not convinced? 

We’ll show you around. Come and taste the craftsmanship.